First Craft Show

23 Oct




I did my first craft show yesterday at a small church in North Tonawanda, New York. It wasn’t really a show that reached my target market, but it was very close to my house and I managed to make six sales. Not great, but covered the cost of the table and then some.

More importantly I got to do a bit of networking, met some great people in the area including some fellow Etsians who stopped by to show their support and say hi. I handed out a whole bunch of business cards, online discount codes to people who attended the show and got a lot of great feedback on the products.

People were very interested in the story of how Made in Mogotes came to be. I put together a display book of photos from the village, how fique and guadua turn into bags and jewelry. I heard a lot of life stories. I learned a lot – about what people actually purchase at churches in small towns, about things I need for the display, about bits and pieces that may have come in handy.

Overall, even though I didn’t exactly make a killing, I didn’t ever expect to in the first place and I think it was a successful experience.

The next one will be a shopping night in Lancaster on November 11, but more details on that closer to the date.

On a side note, I added a section called Vinyl Ventures to the shop. It’s for some garden products like bird feeders made by my dad. They’re perfect for winter, maintenance free and classy so check it out if you get a sec.


One Response to “First Craft Show”

  1. Aldona Kmieć October 23, 2011 at 6:44 pm #

    Congratulations on your first craft show and beautifully made bags! Well done Stephanie. I wish I could visit!!

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